I just finished watching the 8th season of Netflix’s mega reality TV hit Love is Blind.
It feels as if they produce a new America version every quarter but if that’s not enough content for you there are spinoffs in Sweden, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Argentina.
They shoot them roughly a year ahead of time. Which, in any other era in my lifetime, would have been fast turn around time. You could figure basic values would hold from year to year. But culture changes very rapidly now.
So reality tv that was shot even a year ago now makes for some very odd viewing as America’s politics and “current thing” are in constant flux.
February and March of 2024 did not have the vibe shift we are in now. I won’t spoiler it should you be considering the show but I will say it’s fascinating to see how much politics played into the women’s decisions.
Now maybe it’s because it’s the Minnesota season they felt they had to address certain topics in race relations after the summer of 2020.
But they also went to places on queer issues, religion and national politics that did absolutely nothing to make any situation better.
Looking back on one’s previous view of the world is not always pleasant. That we have a way back thanks to media makes for a strange continuity of views that probably do little to do with stuff of a happy love filled life. Perhaps a good reminder to not look too much to the past to decide your future. Or a reminder to focus on what never changes.