I have so much to be thankful for this year. I don’t have a lot of poetic thoughts on it, though I have written extensively about my feelings on some of the bigger moments of the year. So click those if you want essays as this is going to be mostly a list.
I’m grateful to have recovered my health in 2021. I’m equally grateful I had the money, support and willpower to achieve it.
I’m grateful I have a husband who understands me and gives me the love, support and freedom to be me.
I’m grateful for having a space to share my thoughts daily, and rather than be punished for speaking my mind, I am rewarded for it. That includes WordPress, Twitter and all the people who made the internet possible.
I’m grateful I can live in Colorado and still do the same work I previously thought I would only do in New York or San Francisco.
I’m grateful my mother sent me to Waldorf school. I’m grateful I have a father who supported my development as a full human being.
I’m grateful I can afford to buy whatever dumb shit I like for my hobbies which range from expensive skincare to preparedness.
I’m grateful I can consider buying a home that will have the capacity to provide safety even as the world around me has risks.
I’m grateful to have business partners who share my vision for investing and founders and entrepreneurs who allow me to help them.
I’m grateful I never have to worry if there is enough money in the bank to buy a book.
I’m grateful that the supply chains have held so that I have an apple pie that I ordered online the day before the biggest holiday of the year which I picked up in my car that I was able to buy even as global trade was strained and our currency was inflated.
I’m grateful for the time to pursue emotional capacity and the money to pay for it.
I’m grateful for chemistry and the wide variety of pharmaceuticals and supplements that I take every day.
I’m grateful for my iPhone, it’s applications and games I use daily on it that have connected me to a world of people virtually that I love as truly as the people I interact with physically.
I’m grateful for shitposting.
I’m grateful William Gibson still writes. And I’m grateful that Twitter has let me interact with my favorite writers.
I’m grateful for West End BBQ and Spruce Confections.
I’m grateful for my raw milk dairy cooperative and it’s farmer Daphne.
I’m grateful for sunscreen and for apple cider vinegar.
I’m grateful for Costco.
I’m grateful for my parents making good decisions when I was younger that have compounded into incredible luck and prosperity for me.
I’m grateful to be American and I’d like that to remain a thing for which I am grateful.
I’m grateful for democracy, the enlightenment, free elections, a free press and liberalism.