I have written about classism, class anxiety, and class status as part of my interest in how we form group identities. Searching just for the world “class” turns up 504 mentions on this blog. That seems like a lot but I’d argue that no other identity marker (even race & gender) determines quite so much […]
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Day 690 and Status Games
Noblesse oblige. Literally translated from the French as nobility obligates. It’s commonly understood to mean that aristocracy has a responsibility to act graciously towards the civilization which has granted them status. It’s a turn of phrase I’ve written about before, specifically how in our post modern times, we are challenged to understand who is pursuing […]
Capitalism has largely been a triumph of hierarchy as an organizing mechanism. As we evolved from mercantilism into corporatism, appointing and holding accountable a single point of failure in a chief executive officer has become an effective shortcut for managing complexity when deploying capital. Leadership is responsible for the outcome. The aphorism “failure is an […]
Day 412 and Status Anxiety
I’m attending Ethereum Denver through the weekend. If you aren’t familiar it’s a fairly substantial crypto conference with wide appeal and good credibility across the entire ecosystem. I don’t have any special hookups nor do I have a careful plan of attack. It’s my first time attending a large industry event as an investor. Truthfully […]
Day 197 and Status Anxiety
I’m becoming quite bored of feeling like shit as I go on maybe day 8 or 9 of a poor reaction to an anti-viral. It’s not fun when the cure is worse than the disease. I noticed something fascinating as more and more “days off” piled up. I’ve still got a lot of emotional shit […]
Day 214 and Their Rules
“If he wants to play their game, then he has to learn their rules.” – Downton Abby I’ve been on a bit of a kick with taking notes for my grand unified theory of shitposting. Naturally I’ve been obsessed with the British aristocracy melting down during modernity in Downtown Abby. A great deal of class […]
I’m thrilled to see that the very week I began my hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy that we’ve had multiple experiments and data come in. Bryan Johnson helped answer a few questions in my set up so I was delighted to see he himself was just wrapping up a major experiment with HBOT. Earlier in the […]
I have now done six days of hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy (HBOT for short) in a row. I also did a vitamin IV with glutathione so my morning was well occupied with maximizing wellness. Because I was inside a chamber and tied to a chair for a few hours I was able to enjoy my […]
Day 1463 and Nuke It From Orbit
Seems like everyone I talk with is extremely sick. We’ve got norovirus ripping through a bunch of populations in America and Europe. Lots of reports of flus and Covid variants taking folks with respiratory cases in my professional and personal life. And of course everyone is worried about the H5N1 the bird flu variant. I […]
Day 1462 and Year Five Begins
“We aren’t quitters” could be a tagline from a sports movie, a speech about the American people or your parent’s family philosophy. Fortune favors those with fortitude. Grit sums up entire pedagogies of successful education and institutional cultures. And here I am, one day at a time, continuing to log my thoughts for anyone who […]