
Day 1218 and Start Stop

When you have to “make the most of something” you’ve already done some calculus of personal expectations. I know I will have try to pack as much into a trip to balance out the various costs of travel. It’s not always financial as time, emotions, and focus all have value in your life. If you […]

Emotional Work

Day 1217 and Triggered

I deliberately put myself into an exercise today where I gave another person permission to trigger me. I mean trigger in the emotional sense. caused to feel an intense and usually negative emotional reaction : affected by an emotional trigger Merriam Webster I very much recommend the experience. If we workout our bodies and our minds surely […]

Emotional Work

Day 1216 and If It Is Really Important

My husband was unreachable for the last 72 hours. So no one gets worried while I tell the story, I’ll note this was planned, nothing bad happened and he is back on the grid. This is the first time I’ve had had no way of getting word to Alex if I wanted to do so […]


Day 1213 and Acedia

Seat me not anywise upon a chair, O thou fostered of Zeus, so long as Hector lieth uncared-for amid the huts Homer, Iliad, Book 14, line 427 I’d check the citations on this translation of the Iliad but the old internet is dying so several clicks later I’m still unsure what florid Englishman gave us […]


Day 1212 and Being One of Many

Quick. Without overthinking it, pick one. Words or Numbers. I can’t predict your choice, but I’ll admit my “rational” conscience mind desperately wants me to pick numbers. Alas my emotional subconscious intelligence quickly goes intuitive, lurching my feelings to a grabby place with “words.” That the right answer. I’d be hard pressed to correct my […]


Day 1210 and Technical Difficulties

I’m on the road. Despite carrying a laptop, an iPad and an iPhone as a three cascade backup of devices, I am down to 1.5 functional computing devices after losing my iPad and falling and cracking my phone. This isn’t ideal as it fucked with my commitments which all require being online and functional. I […]

Internet Culture Reading

Day 1208 and 16 Years

I don’t recall exactly when I first began using WordPress. If memory serves, it was a friend James in the philosophy department at my university who set up and hosted my first blog sometime around 2003. Eventually I went out on my own. While I’ve only been writing on for 1208 days (ha only) […]


Day 1205 and Consequences

“If not in this lifetime then the next” is a pretty decent organizational principle for keeping folks from giving in entirely to the nihilism of their situation. But what happens if no one thinks that there are any consequences? I am not actually sure what we do with a generation who never has to suffer […]

Emotional Work Travel

Day 1203 and Flow

I don’t quite know how I managed to settle into a flow state but I’ve been listening to American classic rock from sixties & seventies and just being in my body today. The excuse for focusing on chores and what is in front of me preparing for a spring print. I’m packing for some travel […]


Day 1200 and Nice Round Numbers

Even after twelve hundred days of writing every single day I still get great pleasure from seeing a nice round number when it comes around. I don’t have anything grand to say this far into the experiment except that it’s good to have consistent habits. There is a category of the extremely online that subscribes […]